Moving Forward: Maximizing Community Use of School Space
As the COVID-19 virus continues to evolve and affect us all, school boards have resumed community use of their facilities while following the Provincial and local public health units’ requirements. This document outlines our vision for enhancing and prioritizing community use to help repair the damaging effects of COVID-19.
Read moreHow to Hub: Community Hub Development Toolkit
The “How to Hub: Community Hub Development Toolkit” is a practical guide to support residents, parents and community allies in advocating for a community hub in their neighbourhood. This toolkit offers introductory information on a range of topics relevant to groups that are in the initial stages of developing a community hub or who would like more information before beginning their journey.
Read moreCommunity Hubs Influencer Series - Karen Pitre
Community hubs are the centre of public discourse around healthy and vibrant neighbourhoods. As suburban and rural neighbourhoods are challenged by a lack of local services, community hubs are growing in popularity as a way to provide a “one-stop shop” to address local needs. The Province, municipalities, community organizations and funders are taking innovative approaches to developing community hubs.
Read morePromising Practices for Schools Permitting Space
The SPACE Coalition has collated a list of promising practices in managing community use of school space that would support more equitable, accessible and efficient permitting system. This resource was developed from SPACE's many years of experience supporting community and resident-led groups operating out of schools. We hope to pave the way for on-going efforts to improve the permitting system currently in space in our schools.
It All Begins With SPACE: Maximizing Use of Public Assets for Engaged and Healthier Neighbourhoods in Toronto - 2013
Equitable access to affordable neighbourhood space has an enormous positive impact on health and wellness, learning and leadership, arts and culture, educational outcomes and sense of belonging. Public space is necessary for community engagement and participation by a full range of neighbours and supports for ongoing improvements to quality of life.
Public Space for Public Use: A Review of Community Access to School and Municipal Facilities in Ontario - 2013
In 1997 the Ontario government implemented a new funding formula as a means for distributing funds to school boards. This resulted in a dramatic increase in user fees for community access to schools. To help reduce these costs, in 2004 the government introduced the Community Use of Schools (CUS) program funding.
Progress and Pitfalls: A Review of Community Use of Schools and Access to Municipal Spaces - 2009
The SPACE Coalition believes that community use of public space, including schools and municipal facilities, is a cornerstone of healthy neighbourhoods and communities, promoting affordable and equitable access for all residents. In 2009, SPACE and Social Planning Toronto conducted a follow-up survey to our 2005 and 2007 evaluations of the provincial CUS policy, program and funding.
Top 10 Reasons to Support Affordable Community Access to School Space - 2008
Access to affordable community spaces benefits the community in several ways, such as improving student performance and promoting safer neighbourhoods.
In January 2008, the SPACE Coalition outlined the top 10 reasons to support affordable community access to school spaces.
Read Top Ten Reasons to Support Better Community Access to Public Space
Read Les dix meilleures raisons de favoriser un meilleur accès public aux locaux scolaires
Another Winter, Another Spring: Toronto Youth Speak Out about Space - 2011
Public space is a social space and should be accessible to all, regardless of ethno racial background or cultural heritage, gender identity, ability/disability, sexual orientation, age or economic status. Creative use of public spaces strengthens neighbourhoods and brings people together.
Breaking Down Barriers: Opening up Ontario's Schools for Expanded Community Use - 2007
In 2007, SPACE followed up its initial survey to assess the changes to community groups’ ability to access schools, resulting from the $20 million annual provincial investment in Community Use of Schools. According to the survey results, it appears there has been some progress in improving access to school space for some communities as a result of this infusion of funding. However, it is clear that many community groups continue to be excluded from this benefit, including groups working with children, youth, newcomers and seniors.